#includeusing namespace std; template void hanoi(char a, char b, char c){ hanoi (a, c, b); printf("%c -> %c\n", a, c); hanoi (b, a, c);}template<>void hanoi<1>(char a, char b, char c){ printf("%c -> %c\n", a, c);}template class hanoi1{public: static int hanoi(){ hanoi1 ::hanoi(); printf("%c -> %c\n", a, c); hanoi1 ::hanoi(); }};template class hanoi1<1, a, b ,c>{public: static int hanoi(){ printf("%c -> %c\n", a, c); }};int main(){ #define N 4 cout<<"类模板偏特化:"; hanoi1 ::hanoi(); cout< ('A','B','C'); exit(0);}
public class Hanoi { /** * * @param n 盘子的数目 * @param origin 源座 * @param assist 辅助座 * @param destination 目的座 */ public void hanoi(int n, char origin, char assist, char destination) { if (n == 1) { move(origin, destination); } else { hanoi(n - 1, origin, destination, assist); move(origin, destination); hanoi(n - 1, assist, origin, destination); } } // Print the route of the movement private void move(char origin, char destination) { System.out.println("Direction:" + origin + "--->" + destination); } public static void main(String[] args) { Hanoi hanoi = new Hanoi(); hanoi.hanoi(3, 'A', 'B', 'C'); }}
using System; class HANOI{ private static int time = 0; static void Main(string[] args) { Hanoi(3, "x", "y", "z"); Console.WriteLine(time + " Times"); Console.ReadKey(); } public static void Hanoi(int n, string x, string y, string z) { if (n == 1) { Console.WriteLine(x + "--->" + z); time++; } else { Hanoi(n - 1, x, z, y); Hanoi(1, x, y, z); Hanoi(n - 1, y, x, z); } }}
var hanoi=function(n,from,ass,to){ if(n>0){ hanoi(n-1,from,to,ass); move(n,from,to); hanoi(n-1,ass,from,to); }}var move=function(n,from,to){ console.log("移动第"+n+"个从"+from+"到"+to);}hanoi(3,"A","B","C");